Monday, February 28, 2011

Get ready for youtube!!!

Hey everyone! So, in the summer I will be most likely doing youtube videos. I have my channel set up: Subscribe in advance? I'm so excited to help any viewer enhance themselves and learn how to care for their appearance, and skin! I was going to do one during break, but as you may already know, I had shingles last month and the scar is still on my face which wouldn't look so good on camera, but hopefully in the summer it is gone by then!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Makeup INs and OUTs

I'm not talking about primer consistency and foundation shades here, there are new colors and style trends happening right now! not

1. Honey suckle lipstick hues. IN

(Left: Chanel Luminous Satin Lip Color in Coquette; $32, Right: Lancome L'Absolu Rouge in Daisy Rose; $29)

2. Neutral makeup IN

It takes time even to complete a neutral look. It looks very feminine and beautiful!

3. Orange Lips♥

Be bold this spring and try this color! Orange, like red, helps with the glow factor of you face. *Also, it gives the illusion that your teeth are whiter(:

4. Blue pop eyes

Give gorgeous contrast to your face with the beautiful blue look. Black can be too heavy sometimes, especially in the spring time, so blue is just perfect!*Tip, just don't go too dramatic!

5. Cute rosy pink cheeks!

You're face will glow with the cast of rosy pink cheeks! It gives the illusion that you're more awake and alert and most importantly; beautiful(:

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm thinking of having a youtube channel and put videos on it. I've lately been watching some really good gurus out there, and I'm thinking..hmm wouldn't it be cool if I did one too? Of course, there are a millionx9999999 gurus out there, so I'm not sure if people you will, my videos. Comment what you think!!!


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Guess what? I have the infamous shingles. Hip Hip Hooray! Not.What are shingles? Shingles (Herpes Zoster) is caused by the same virus that causes the chicken pox. Anyone who has had chicken pox can develop shingles. The virus from chicken pox will 'sleep' (be dormant) in your body/nerves. Shingles will 'be awaken' from a trigger that studies are not so sure of. Some triggers that dermatologists think may 'awaken' shingles are stress, and a low immune system. I got shingles and I'm no where near 50-60 (which is the common age to get shingles). I get to skip school for a couple of days because It is contagious if it is direct skin contact. Yay for no school! Boo for having a big ugly thing on the side of my face >.<

How do Shingles look like?

Shingles form small painful blisters on one area of the skin, usually the side. I have them on the right side of my face..ick! It can form anywhere on your body.

Here is a close up picture of the blisters

I have a huge scab on one side because..well, I didn't know it was shingles, so I itched it :/

There are vaccines for shingles, but it is for people 60 years of age and older.

Treatment for shingles?

I went to the dermatologist today, which they were the Nicest people ever, and the doctor wrote some prescription down.

If you have shingles, I would advise you to see a dermatologist. Not only is it painful, but using some topical medications (such as Neosporin) can worsen it and cause inflammation and infect it even more. I've been instructed and advised on how to treat it, however, my situation is more; if you will, serious than your case may be. Early signs of shingles may include pain in that area, an itching frenzy (rash), or small bumps/blisters in form. I wasted <$100 at the regular doctor's office and all they told me was "You have shingles, don't do anything". A dermatologist specializes in conditions like this, they know much more. ^.^

Get well (If you have shingles!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pandora's Makeup Box Coupon Codes

Who doesn't love Pandora's Makeup Box? The boxes they come in are very cute, and their ratings are high.
Pandora's Makeup Box+Coupon Codes= Happy(: and Love♥

$5.00 off face bronzer: Enter code[ Bronze ] 
$4.00 off lipstick: Enter code [ Lips ]
$10.00 off Spring Custom Four Palette: Enter code [ CustomSpring ]


Save the Splurge

I seriously love high end makeup. Something about them pops out at me. Makeup sold at Sephora, or department stores don't necessarily mean that it's the best quality. Like I said on my 1st post, department makeup is more expensive because they have to pay for their 'booth'.

Essence of Beauty Face Brushes Face 6 PK 
Essence Brushes $7.99 (Left) look IDENTICAL to Bobbi Brown Brushes $175.00(Right). The difference? The price.

See a difference? Nope!(Left)  Forever21 Love&Beauty Lip Gloss Pen (2) $5.80; (Right) Stila Lip Glaze $22.00

 Eyeshadow Duo
(Left) L'Oreal Paris HiP Studio Secrets Professional Crystal Shadow Duo $8.00 (Right) Too Faced Eyeshadow Duo $17.00. The packaging may be different, but the outcome? The same.

I'll try putting up some swatches when I get this blog up and running(:

Bye-bye for now!

So, where do I get my inspiration?, founder: Emyli Wang. If you never heard of this blog, then something's up. I've read Ms.Emyli's blog from start (her Xanga) until now. With soothing music, and intriguing information, it's a website to definitley check out! She's based in London, and I bet they're happy to have her living there! She's the perfect blogger. She's pretty, intelligent, and is sincere to her blogging. I can tell she doesn't do this for money. Her posts are so interesting and well written.

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Click, learn, love♥